Message—-April 18, 2015

Work Miracles or Don’t Work Miracles…..
To Be or Not To Be…..

Acts 8:6 KJV
“And the people with one
accord gave heed unto 
those things which 
Philip spake, hearing and 
seeing the miracles which 
he did.” 

Acts 8:6 NIV
“When the crowds heard
Philip and saw the signs 
he performed, they all
paid close attention to
what he said.” 

Hebrews 2:4 KJV
“God also bearing them witness,
both with signs and wonders,
and with divers miracles,
and gifts of the Holy Ghost,
according to His own will.”

Hebrews 2:4 NIV
“God also testified to it 
by signs, wonders and 
various miracles, and 
by gifts of the Holy 
Spirit distributed 
according to His will.” 

Above are just 2 examples of God 
working miracles through His 
children in the beginning of the 
New Testament Church….

These early churches were
more like street ministries than
organized services.

People were saved, delivered, healed 
and fed. Miracles happened a lot. 
There were no doubts in the hearts 
and minds of the original men and 
women of God. They knew that God’s 
power was real. They desired, hungered,
and thirsted after God, His 
Righteousness and His Holy 
Supernatural Power. 

“In the making of every miracle are
Faith, Obedience and the Willingness
to take a risk. These represent for
you the three hurdles that you must
overcome: Doubt, Fear, and thinking
you know it all.” 
Written By: Tommy Barnett

If God is the same yesterday, today
and forever…. then the modern 
day church has no excuse for not 
seeing miracles in their congregations.

No excuses, except being more worldly
than holy.
More legalistic than faithful.
More manmade doctrine based than
Biblically based teachings. 
More seeker friendly and politically
correct instead of seeking God and 
His Righteousness.

We are a very self-centered, and selfish 
We seek and demand instant gratification. 
We want miracles and blessings from
God, without repentance, prayer,
listening, yielding, and obeying 
what God tells us to do in His Holy
Anointed Word. 
We make idols out of pop stars, 
sports stars and other type of celebrities, 
as well as ourselves.
Idol simple means anything we put above
We put ourselves and our fleshly desires
above God and what God wants.

“I suppose it would be much easier
to reduce everything to formulas, but
that’s not how it works with God….
If there is any formula….at all…..
it is that Obedience to the Lord
is the Essential Ingredient for the 
Making of a Miracle.” 
Written By: Tommy Barnett

God created miracles from Genesis to Revelation….

Genesis and Exodus are full of Miracles
2 Chronicles 7:14
2 Chronicles 20:1-30

Matthew, Luke, John and Acts are full of 
Miracle after Miracle

Do yourself a favor and look up the Miracles 
in both the Old and New Testaments. See for
yourself how God desires to bless His children
with safety, health, love, food, shelter as well
as prosperity….
See for yourself how God longs to have a 
oneonone relationship with His children.  

God is willing to use each of us…..if we will 
seek Him. 
Matthew 6:33 KJV
“But seek ye first the Kingdom
of God, and His righteousness;
and all these things shall be 
added unto you.” 

John 14:12 KJV
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, 
He that believeth on Me, the
works that I do shall he do also;
and greater works than these
shall he do; because I go 
unto the Father.”  

From Genesis to Revelation God is calling 
His people, Jew and Gentile alike, to Holiness. 

God is looking for soldout believers.
God is looking for surrendered believers.
God is looking for humble, but bold,
God is looking for repented believers.
God is looking for faithful believers.
God is looking for prayer warriors.
God is looking for devoted followers.
God is looking for determined followers. 

God is looking for men, women and even
children who trust in Him and believe His 
Holy Promises. 
God is looking for followers who are willing
to go out and Pour out into the community
the Holy Anointing from the Holy 
Not just preaching the gospel…but living 
the gospel. 
God is looking for modern day men and 
women to go forth teaching, preaching the 
gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as walking 
in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 
With souls being saved, delivered, healed,
fed, clothed, discipled.

Joel 2:28 KJV
“And it shall come to pass afterward, 
that I will pour out My Spirit upon
all flesh; and your sons and your 
daughters shall prophesy, your
old men shall dream dreams, your
young men shall see visions.” 

Acts 2:17 KJV
“And it shall come to pass in the last
days, saith God, I will pour out of My 
Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons
and your daughters shall prophesy, 
and your young men shall see visions, 
and your old men shall dream dreams.” 

Are you willing to seek out God’s Righteousness
and His Spiritual purpose for your life?

Are you willing to let go of your selfish desires
and seek out God’s Holy Will for your life?

Are you willing to let go of self and seek God 
through Fasting and Prayer?

Will you allow God to use you as a Holy Vessel
to pray for hurting and sick souls? 

Will you be a willing vessel for the Holy
Spirit to work through? 

My prayer for you today is simply this…..
Let Go and Let God!
That there will be less of you and more
of Jesus!
That you fall in love with Jesus so much
that you can’t help but share Him with 
everyone you come into contact with.
That you hunger and thirst for righteousness. 
That you become a vessel filled with the
Holy Spirit walking in all the Spiritual 

Much love and prayers to each of you, dear ones. 

Evg. Sherrill McDonald 


Message—–April 17, 2015


Please Read
Luke 14:12-23

“The greatest revival is always among
empty vessels. Those who consider themselves
to be filled don’t thirst for more.
In most churches Christians spend too much
time filling themselves.
We must be careful not to become addicted
to the self-gratification of our senses when
there are so many empty vessels waiting
to be filled.” 
Written By: Tommy Barnett 

William Booth the founder of the Salvation 
Army…had a son, named Bromwell….
Bromwell told his dad about men sleeping
under bridges in London. 
Rev. Booth responded to his son’s announcement
with one simple reply….
“Why don’t you do something about it.”

Pastor Tommy Barnett refers to people in need as….
“Miracles in waiting.” 
Pastor Barnett looks at people in need as assets
not burdens. 
He often confronts the Christian church members
about the issue of Class Consciousness among 
One of my favorite quotes from him is….
“When we care for the poor and powerless
God blesses us with the prominent and 

One of the best books I have ever had the honor to read
is by Pastor Tommy Barnett
“There’s A Miracle In Your House” 
God’s Solution Starts With What 
You Have……

This book is extremely easy to read and
easy to understand. 
It is loaded with Biblical examples of how to
overcome problems in our daily lives as well as
a great lesson on community evangelism. 

I first read this book in the mid 90’s….
It impacted me greatly back then….

After my divorce in 2013 I was spinning
around with no direction, feeling hopeless,
lost, scared, rejected and alone. 
I was still grieving so deeply for my daughter
who had been killed in Dec. 2008….
I just couldn’t believe the love of my life was
having an affair and leaving me…after 32 
years of marriage, over 20 years of ministry
together….I was just devastated!!!!!!! 
My life was spinning completely out of 

The only thing I had going for me was God!!! 
And I know that He is all I need, ever!!!!
So, I began to really seek God during these 
dark days in my life. 

I knew that God had birthed in me this great
hunger and thirst to see women rescued, 
healed, delivered and discipled into God’s 
Holiness…..I had been ministering for 20 
years….but I just felt lost. 

It was like walking up Mount Everest 
with 10 tons of chains wrapped around 
my body pulling me into a spiritual 
quicksand. I was suffocating

But I still would not allow myself to 
give up NWFCIM, no matter what I was
going through personally. 

One day I was going through my personal 
library to find a book to read. I wasn’t really
looking for any one author or title….just 
aimlessly looking….kinda like being in a 
My eyes landed on Bro. Barnett’s book I had
read all those years ago…..
I remember slowly reaching for it, and 
slowly opening it up to the contents page…
as I slowly scanned the chapter titles, I 
began to come out of this sluggishness. 

I called a close friend and told her I 
would like for us to do a Bible study
together using this book. 
We began that very day. 

And WOW!!!!!!!!! 
Did God show up…..Oh Yeah, Baby…..He sure did!!!!!!
In a big way. 
I began to see a few select souls that God
was directing me to. I could see women of all ages
being held captive in jails and prisons all
over the United States. 
I could hear their cries of desperation….
some cussing and screaming….
others crying themselves to sleep in total 

God directed me to some ministries in the Middle East…
I began ministering online to these precious souls….

Then my computer completely crashed, it died, bad! 
Kicked the bucket and looked like it could not be 
resurrected ever again….I was devastated!!!!!

I had no way of replacing it or even
to try to have it repaired…..
So I reached my friends and ask for them to help
me pray this through. 

And God sent someone special to repair it for free!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, it was resurrected from death!!!! 
It took several months and a lot of prayer. 
But I got it back. 

God began birthing in me in the late ’90’s that I was 
to write books….I really did not want to be a writer…
I really did not think that I had anything to say…
nor did I think that anyone would be interested in
what I might have to say. 

He told me to write my Auto-Biography…..I was not 
wanting to face that nightmare again….so I ran from 
that…Then I would write a little…then rip it to shreds….
then a few years later I would write a few chapters….
then shred that one too….

What I did not realize, was God was using those times 
of writing to heal a very deep broken heart I suffered
from. At first it was like a old country song….
Somebody did me wrong” song….”crying in my beer” song…..
Then God began to show me a different way to see 
my upbringing…..
God began to show me that He allowed me to go through
all the abuse and pain so that I could reach hurting 
women who have suffered similar fates. 

When I write now, I write with a joy in my heart. 
I write with love and forgiveness in my heart. 
I write for the joy of knowing that somewhere
out there, there is someone who needs to hear 
the message God gave me. 

I look for empty vessels every where I go. 
I look in the eyes of women who are smiling
and I see past the fake smiles and see the pain
they hide. 

I have dedicated my life to seeing women as 
precious souls, not whores and drug addicts
or rich spoiled divas…..

Women are special to God!!! 
And it is time that each precious young 
girl and each woman young or old 
understands that God loves them very 
very much. 
And God has a plan for their personal

No God is not going to make every person 
a millionaire…..
But He has a purpose for each and every 
He has a divine appointment for each 
person on this great earth. 

Please….help me look for empty, hurting,
lost vessels. 

God has some love to share with them. 
Let’s fill heaven with saved and delivered 
souls….instead of sitting back letting 
hell fill to the rim with lost souls. 

I am looking for women who really want to see 
souls saved. 
I am looking for 1000 soldout women of God 
who will be willing to pray with NWFCIM
and help us get where God is leading us…


Will you join us? 
Will you pray for us? 
Will you ask God how you can help us? 

Thank you so much for hearing my heart today. 
I pray that it is a blessing to you, dear one. 

I love you dearly. 

Evg. Sherrill McDonald 


Message—April 15, 2015


Giving TITHES and OFFERINGS to God is 
important! It is an act of love, worship
 and obedience

Paying our Taxes, that’s also very important!
It is demanded of us.

Mark 12:17
Matthew 22:21  

Tax —– A sum of money DEMANDED by a 
government for its support or for specific 
facilities or services. 
A burdensome charge, obligation,
duty or demand.

Tithe—-a TENTH part of agricultural
produce or personal income set apart
as an offering to God or for works of 
A Tenth part of our talents, gifts, money, 
and time given to God as a love offering
and act of obedience….. 

Offering—Something offered in WORSHIP
or DEVOTION to God….
A contribution given to the church or ministry. 
Anything offered as a gift. 

I have heard Christians say that tithing, 
giving offerings to God is not important….
that God understands their circumstances…..
that God does not require us to give
tithe and offerings to Him when we are 
struggling financially….

This is a lie from the pits of hell.
Christians from all walks of life and 
in every denomination have bought
into this lie.

Please read the passages below…..
Matthew 25:14-29 The Parable of the Talents
Mark 4:24
Luke 6:38

We think that God’s word is negotiable. 
God’s word does not change, just because 
we don’t agree with what it says.
God is not impressed with our opinions, 
ideas or arguments. 
God is the same yesterday, today and 
forever. If God’s word is true and just…..
then we need to accept what it says and 
apply it to our daily life. 

If God required the Old Testament Church
to give a tithe and offerings to Him in an 
act of obedience and worship…..
Then what makes us think that God will not require 
the New Testament Church to do the same today.

I think that is pretty simple concept…..

Just as it is not negotiable to pay taxes.
I do not believe that paying our tithes and
offerings to our home church or ministries
should be negotiable either. I actually do 
not believe that it is negotiable with God, 
either….(that’s my opinion)…. 
The government is not understanding
nor forgiving for not paying taxes. 
If we do not pay the City, State, and Federal 
taxes we will be warned, audited, fined, and 
even jailed. They will even confiscate and 
sell belongings and properties to go towards 
the debt owed.   

God wants to bless us in all areas of our lives. 
But we MUST OBEY His Holy Anointed 
Words to receive His favor and blessings
on our lives. 

Yes God’s Mercies are renewed every single

Yes God’s Grace is sufficient to see us through
our daily lives. 

But God tells us, if we Love Him, we will 
keep His commands….

God tells us that we can test Him in one 
area, and one area alone….that is in our
finances…..when we give God what He 
requires, tithes and offerings…….God will
reveal His miracle workings in our personal
life and the lives of our loved ones. God will
bless us with His Holy Favor in every way…..
But I must stress…..
God is looking for sold out, obedient followers
that are seeking righteousness, not just money
and material things.  

I challenge you to seek out what God’s 
Word says about tithing, offerings and 
giving to Him sacrificially
If you do not know how to research this out…
then please let me know, and I will be happy 
to help you….a great study tool that is free and 
online is…..
there are many study resources on this site….
I use it daily. I even have the app on my iPhone

It is my experience that You can not out
give God in any area of life. 

Giving of one’s finances in obedience to God 
is a great way to break the chains of poverty
in one’s life and family. 

Going into offerings and sacrificial offerings
is a sure fire way to stop poverty in your life! 

2 Kings 4:1-7 The Widows Oil
Is a perfect example of obedience
and God’s instant favor and blessings.

1 Kings 17:10-16 The Widow with the Flour and Oil
Listen, Obey, Act, Trust, Believe…..and 
supernatural abundance will overflow in your life. 


Dear ones…God’s promises are for each of His children
today, just as they were for His children of old. 

God is the same yesterday, today and forever…..
God is no respecter of persons…..

However, God is a Just God
God is a Righteous God…..
God is a Judgement God….
God is a Faithful God…..
God is a Merciful God…
God is a Gracious God….
God is a Generous God….
God is a Loving God….

Matthew 6:33
God tells us to Seek FIRST His RIGHTEOUSNESS, 
His Holiness, His Perfect Will for our Lives….
and THEN all other things we need will be added to us…

Let me share a personal testimony with you today……

In the early ’90’s, my ex-husband and I were having some
pretty bad financial difficulties. We had started going to 
church and we fell in love with Jesus! 

The pastor began to do a teaching series on finances. 
He taught about tithes, offerings, sacrificial offerings
and Alms (offerings that no one knows about except 
you and God)…..

I could not believe that God wanted to bless ALL His 
kids with financial favor and blessings in all areas of 
our lives. 

I listened to every word that the pastor preached on 
that subject. 
I took notes….I went home and I studied it out for 
myself. I was SOLD on these amazing promises 
from our Lord. 

I had been a stay at home mom most of the time and I needed
to get a job. My husband and I also needed a new vehicle. 
We were living paycheck to paycheck and still not able to 
pay all our bills. 

Our oldest daughter had severe asthma….
and her meds were not cheep…
My ex-husband and I both had medical issues
as well…..
we did not have any health insurance…
so bills were stacking up…..
my husband worked with his family in the
family owned business and we did not have any
benefits at that time. 

So we began to pay our tithes, and we started giving
offerings…even sacrificial offerings…..
We both volunteered at the church as much as we could.
Dusty mowed the Lawn, did the landscaping, drove the 
church van, did all kinds of stuff from sweeping to changing
light bulbs….he was also an usher and helped with the security
team when we had visiting pastors, evangelists and specialty
ministries (like the Power Team or the drama ministry 
Judgement Morning)……
I worked in the clothes and food closet, taught children’s
Sunday school class, did a clown ministry, cleaned toilets,
worked in the children’s nursery, helped with the weekly
bulletins and monthly newsletters, did makeup for the 
churchs drama team…etc..

We were sold out to do what God called us to do….and 
that is to give of ourselves and of our money. 

The pastor prayed for Dusty and I….our family’s health, 
our family’s finances, a job for me and a raise in 
salary for Dusty and for a new vehicle…

Within a month’s period….after we began paying our 
tithes, and giving of ourselves and extra money as 
offerings…..the blessings began to pour all over us….

Our daughter literally stopped having asthma attacks!
Both girls grades got better. 
There was less rebellion in them.
My ex-husband’s dad gave him a really good raise.
A few months later, Dusty’s dad decided that each 
one of them needed new vehicles…so they leased new
pick up trucks for both Dusty and his dad.
Shortly after that I was hired at a local Blood Bank
to pick up and deliver blood products to hospitals. 
I received 3 raises within a year’s time, including 
a promotion to an office position with a higher pay
rate, benefits and bonuses. 
Within a year’s time we purchased a new car for 
our family. 
We were no longer living from paycheck to paycheck. 

Dusty and I continued to volunteer at the church and we
continued to pay tithes and offerings for many years. 

When God’s children read, study, listen, trust, obey
and believe His Holy Promises….then our lives 
will turn around, for the better. 

Now I must say this…..

God does allow us to be tested and tempted daily. 
Sometimes bad things happen to good people…who 
are doing all they are told to do by God’s word….

But make no mistake….God watches and observes
what condition our heart is in….He wants to see 
what we have faith in…Him or money…..abundant
blessings or Jesus….

Test God for yourself in this area. 
God is faithful to His faithful followers. 
If You ask and do not doubt, God will
hear you. 
If you are obedient and faithful in Your
walk with God…in your giving to God…
God will shower you with His Holy
Favor in all areas of your life. 

He wants us to be faithful in all areas of 
service to Him. 
If we are faithful with the little things He
gives us to do, then God will bless us with 
more important things to do for His Kingdom. 
If we are faithful with our pennies…then
God will bless us with dollars…..
Do you get the picture 😀 

Glory be to God! 
He truly loves us and wants His 
children to be blessed in all areas 
of our lives physically, mentally, 
emotionally, financially and most 
of all spiritually!! ;D 

Evg. Sherrill McDonald 


Daily Scripture—April 15, 2015

Matthew 22:21 b  KJV

“…..Then saith He unto them, 
Render therefore unto Caesar
the things which are Caesar’s;
and unto God the things that 
are God’s.”

Matthew 22:21 b NIV

“….then He said to them, 
So give back to Caesar 
what is Caesar’s, and to 
God what is God’s.” 


Mark 12:17 KJV

“Then Jesus answering said unto
them, Render to Caesar the 
things that are Caesar’s, and to
God the things that are God’s.
And they marvelled at him.” 

Mark 12:17 NIV

“Then Jesus said to them, 
Give back to Caesar what is 
Caesar’s and to God what is 
God’s. And they were 
amazed at Him.” 


Leviticus 27:30, 32 KJV

“And all the tithe of the land, 
whether of the seed of the land, or
of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord’s;
it is holy unto the Lord.”

And concerning the tithe of the herd,
or of the flock, even of whatsoever
passeth under the rod, the tenth
shall be holy unto the Lord.” 

Leviticus 2:30, 32 NIV

“A tithe of everything from the 
land, whether grain from the 
soil or fruit from the trees, 
belongs to the Lord; it is Holy
to the Lord.” 

“Every tithe of the herd and 
flock—every tenth animal
that passes under the 
shepherd’s rod—will be
Holy to the Lord.” 


Deuteronomy 14:22 KJV

“Thou shalt truly tithe all the
increase of thy seed, that the 
field bringeth forth year by 

Deuteronomy 14:22 NIV

“Be sure to set aside a 
tenth of all that your
fields produce each 


Malachi 3:10 KJV

“Bring ye all the tithes into 
the storehouse, that there
may be meat in Mine house, 
and prove me now herewith, 
saith the Lord of Hosts, if I 
will not open you the windows 
of heaven, and pour 
you out a blessing, that there 
shall not be room enough
to receive it.” 

Malachi 3:10 NIV

“Bring the whole tithe
into the storehouse, 
that there may be food
in My House. 
Test Me in this, says
the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”


Daily Prayer—-April 14, 2015

Dearest Heavenly Father; 

Lord, I come to You with a humbled 
heart and spirit. 

Lord, I ask that You forgive me 
for any act of disobedience I may
have committed against You.

Lord, I ask that You forgive me
for any rebellion I have allowed 
to manifest in my life. 

Lord, I ask that You purge me 
of any unholiness and unrighteousness
that I have allowed to penetrate my soul. 

Lord, purge me of any darkness that 
I have allowed to take root in my 
heart, mind, and spirit. 

Father, I ask that You teach me how
to yield to the Holy Spirit’s direction, 
corrections and wisdom for my life.

Holy Father, fill me with Your Holy 
Spirit’s Fire. 

Father, fill me with Holy desire to 
see souls saved. 

Father, fill me with Holy desire to 
yield to Your direction for my life. 

Father, fill me with Holy desire to 
be a warrior for You. 

Father, fill me with Holy desire 
to look past myself, my circumstances, 
and disadvantages….and see the truth
of the Power of the Holy Spirit’s Fire! 

Have Your way today in my life, Holy

I surrender my Soul 
(my mind, my will, my emotions)
to You, Holy Spirit….

I surrender my Spirit to 
You, Holy Spirit…..

I surrender my Heart to
You, Holy Spirit….

I surrender my Body to 
You, Holy Spirit….

I surrender my Gifts and Talents
to You, Holy Spirit…..

I surrender my family to You, 
Holy Spirit…..

I surrender my finances to You,
Holy Spirit…..

I surrender all I have to You, 
Holy God.

Fill me with overflowing Righteousness, 
Holy Wisdom and the desire to Yield
each and every moment of each and every
day to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. 

Thank You, God for hearing my heart 

In the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus
Christ I Pray…..amen and amen


Message—-April 14, 2015

Lately the Lord has been talking to me about
His desire to flood His followers (His people
Jew and Gentile) with Holy Ghost Fire. 

The Lord has been explaining to me that
the reason there is no power in our churches
today, is because we are working in our 
natural abilities and not leaning on His 
Supernatural Gifts to do His Kingdom
work on this earth. 

There are very few Christian Churches that
are walking in His full favor. 

There are very few men and women that 
are praying constantly, seeking God’s 
perfect will for their own life. 

There are very few men and women 
ministers that are yielding to God’s 
Holy Spirit for His knowledge, 
understanding and Holy Wisdom to
lead their ministries into Supernatural 
victory and overflow favor. 

Jesus told us that if the world hated Him,
persecuted Him…then the world would 
hate us and persecute us……We are 
a pleasure seeking people…..We want 
blessings and favor from God without
yielding or obeying Him. 

We are ignoring Matthew 6:33 and many 
other key scriptures that is calling us to

We want all the blessings and no suffering. 

How sad that is…..we go to church and we 
put on fake smiles and tell lies to one another
about how wonderful our lives are. 
When in reality, we are living our lives in
disobedience, full of pain, sorrow, and lies. 

And because we are doing these things….
we are helping to destroy God’s purpose for 
our own life and the lives of those around us.

God’s work is being destroyed, not by the enemies 
of God…but by God’s disobedient children!!!!!!!

God is calling His people to become 
warriors for righteousness! 

God is calling His people to Holiness!

God is calling His people to fight the 
good fight of faith!

God is calling His people to PRAYER!

God is calling His people to Obedience!

God is calling His people to Holy Righteousness!

God is calling Soldout Believers to be 
a part of this Supernatural EndTime 
Harvest Work! 

God will Pour out His Holy Spirit onto 
each precious Soul that is willing to 
Yield and Obey His Holy Commands, 
Directions, Corrections, and Purpose.

God is very unhappy with the debates between
the socalled Christian Denominations….

He is dismayed at how His children are constantly
arguing about who is the most holy…who is the 
most correct in the interpretations of His Holy 

God is very displeased with our arrogance 
and vanity. 

God is very displeased with the showmanship
of His people.

God is very dismayed at our disobedience

God is calling His People to RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!!!!!

God has been talking to me about this message
for about a year now. This message is being 
formed into a book titled…..

“God Is Calling His Children To Holy Ghost Fire
 and Holy Righteousness”  

I will be going into great detail in this new book on this 
subject matter. Make no mistake, I am not a Bible scholar!
But I am a soldout yielded vessel, willing to do what God
is calling me to do. I will say what He lays on my heart, 
no matter what….

Each born again believer and follower of Jesus Christ 
should be willing to go where He leads, do what He tells us to do
 and to say what the Holy Spirit tells us to say……

God is willing to pour out His Holy Spirit unto all His 
children, Jew and Gentile…..but He is looking for 
sold out believers that truly love Him and trust Him. 

I hope that it will be a blessing to all who read it.

Evg. Sherrill McDonald 


Daily Quote—April 14, 2015

“How little chance the Holy Ghost has nowadays.
 The churches and missionary societies have so
 bound Him in red tape that they practically ask 
Him to sit in a corner while they do
 the work themselves.”

 Written By: C. T. Studd


“What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better,
 not new organizations or more and novel methods,
 but men whom the Holy Ghost can use, men of prayer,
 men mighty in prayer.
 The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men.
 He does not come on machinery, but on men.
 He does not anoint plans, but men, men of prayer.”

 Written By: E.M. Bounds

 “The church that is man-managed instead of God-governed
 is doomed to failure. A ministry that is college-trained but
 not Spirit-filled works no miracles.”

 Written By: Samuel Chadwick

“The Church is the Body of Christ begotten,
 unified, and indwelt by the Spirit,
 but forgetting the Spirit,
 men wrangle over limbs, functions, and orders.
 The Christian religion is hopeless without the Holy Ghost.”

 Written By: Samuel Chadwick

“The root-trouble of the present distress is
 that the Church has more faith in the world
 and the flesh than in the Holy Ghost,
 and things will get no better till we get back
 to His realized presence and power.”

Written By: Samuel Chadwick

“As soon as we see the Lord Jesus on the Cross,
 we know our sins are forgiven ;
 and as soon as we see the Lord Jesus on the Throne,
 we know the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon us.

Written By: Watchman Nee

“Now is the hour we should humbly prostrate
 ourselves before God, willing to be convicted
 afresh of our sins by the Holy Spirit.”
Written By: Watchmen Nee

“Take this as the secret of Christ’s life in you:
 His Spirit dwells in your innermost spirit.
 Meditate on it,
 believe in it,
 and remember it until this glorious truth
 produces within you a holy fear and
 wonderment that the Holy Spirit 
indeed abides in you!”

Written By: Watchman Nee

“Those who follow the Lord must be 
brought to the place of no confidence in the flesh.
 They must confess they can originate no
 good idea and must admit they possess
 no power to fulfill the Holy Spirit’s work.”

Written By: Watchman Nee

“The Kingdom of God is not going to be advanced
 by our churches becoming filled with men,
 but by men in our churches becoming filled with God.”

Written By: Duncan Campbell

“If you look up into His face and say,
 “Yes, Lord, whatever it costs,”
 at that moment He’ll flood your Life
 with His presence and power.”

Written By: Alan Redpath

“I have never found any who prayed so well
 as those who had never been taught how.
 They who have no master in man,
 have one in the Holy Spirit.”

Written By: Madame Guyon

“It is impossible to overestimate 
the importance of being filled
 with the Spirit.”

Written By: Smith Wigglesworth

“In Scripture we read of two kinds of men–
the spiritual man controlled by the Holy Spirit,
 and the “carnal” man who is ruled by his passions.”

Written By: David Jeremiah


Daily Scripture—April 14, 2015

Joel 2:28-32 A  NIV

“And afterward, I will pour 
out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will
prophesy, your old men will
dream dreams, your young 
men will see visions. 

Even on My servants, both
men and women, I will
pour out My Spirit in
those days.

I will show wonders in the
heavens and on the earth,
blood and fire and billows 
of smoke. 

The sun will be turned to 
darkness and the moon
to blood before the coming 
of the great and dreadful
day of the Lord.

And everyone who calls on
the name of the Lord will
be saved…..”


Acts 2:17-21  NIV

“In the last days, God says, 
I will pour out My Spirit on
all people, Your sons and 
daughters will prophesy, 
your young men will see
visions, your old men will
dream dreams.

Even on My servants, both men
and women, I will pour out My
Spirit in those days, and they will 

I will show wonders in the heavens
above and signs on the earth
below, blood and fire and billows 
of smoke. 

The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood before
the coming of the great and 
glorious day of the Lord. 

And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord
will be saved.” 


Daily Prayers—April 9, 2015

Dearest Heavenly Father;

Lord, thank You for this revelation 
about the mass exodus of Your 

Lord, I ask that You send out Your
warriors to bring back the lost 

Lord, I ask that You bless Your 
faithful servants with discernment
so that they may see the souls that 
are in need of special loving attention.

Lord, bless Your warriors with a 
spiritual insight to help them see
the pain in their fellow believers.

Lord, bless Your saints with a 
supernatural love and compassion
for those who have fallen into sin.

Lord, bless Your warriors with 
the insight and desire to intercede 
in prayer—stand in the gap for 
their fellow believers.

Lord, I ask that You bless each 
man, woman and child that have 
been born again, I ask that You
give each of them a supernatural
Love for one another. 

Lord, I know that it is not Your desire
for any to perish.

Lord, let the Holy Spirit fall down 
upon each of us….Lord, stop all 
believers from throwing away 
the ones who have fallen into sin.

Lord, convict Your children’s hearts
about ignoring those around them 
who are old, sick, lost, addicted, homeless,
hungry, and dying spiritually.

Father, let revival start with me….and spread
through the world….one soul at a time. 

I pray that all who meet me will see 
Jesus in stead of me, in all I do.

Father, thank You for hearing my 
heart tonight. 

Father, I praise Your holy name.

Father, I ask that You bless me 
with the ability to love the lost and hurting 
souls into Your Holy Kingdom through
the salvation of Jesus Christ.

In the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus Christ
I Pray….Amen and Amen


Daily Quote & Message—April 9, 2015

“Present-day wickedness,
 apostasy and modern 
civilization cannot prevent

Written By: John R. Rice


“Only a love for the truth and a
 willingness to do what the Word
 of God says will preserve us from
 the apostasy that Scripture tells
 us will overtake the world.”
Written By: T. A. McMahon
OH Saints; my heart is so heavy as God is
revealing to me the mass exodus from 
holiness around the world. 
Oh yes, there are many souls being saved
LAMB OF GOD for this wonderful and 
But I MUST STRESS  to you that there are 
many, many, many souls walking away
from their faith in Christ Jesus!!!!!
Many who were saved are backsliding
and walking head long into personal 
Apostasy means—–turn away, 
abandonment, withdrawal, defection,
rebellion, & falling away.
Rebellion is the same as witchcraft 
in the eyes of God. 
Many go to church every single Sunday
or as often as they can. 
Many are Sunday School Teachers, 
Youth Leaders, Music Directors, Elders, 
Deacons, and, yes, even Pastors and
Some of these souls have been going
to church their whole life……
Many of the ones that are walking away 
from their faith are living a double life.
These souls are great actors and actresses….
they are able to act the part, dress the part, 
and speak the part of a saved follower
of Jesus Christ in public….
However, in their private life….
many are angry, bitter and deceived souls….
some are addicted to alcohol, drugs, 
Some of them are liars
Some are child and spouse abusers….
Some are committing adultery…..
Some of them are filled with hate
and unforgiveness…..
Some of them are gossipers….
And some of them are practicing
witchcraft and are involved in 
the occult and New Age practices…..
What ever the reasons that soul may have 
for walking away from his/her belief and 
trust in Jesus Christ does not matter….
What ever the sin is….it does not matter….
What matters is if we as true believers 
reach out to them in love and help
pray them through their issues.
James 5:19-20 NIV
“My brothers, if one of you should 
wander from the truth and someone
should bring him back, remember this: 
Whoever turns a sinner from the error
of his way will save him from death
and cover over a multitude of sins.”
This scripture is not talking about a physical
death…no, we all are appointed once to die
this scripture is talking about a spiritual 
death…a death that will separate one precious
soul from Jesus Christ for all eternity!!!
This is a death like no other, this is a spiritual
judgement that sends that soul to hell and 
damnation for all eternity!!!!! To be tormented
by Satan and his demons….to be surrounded
by fire that will burn that soul for all eternity. 
Ask God to bless you with the gift of discernment,
so that you may see the souls in your 
church that are in need of a special healing 
touch from the Master’s Hands….
Ask God to bless you with the ability to 
love that person back into the LOVING 
Commit to praying for your pastor, 
church leaders and fellow saints
Love each other! 
Pray for one another! 
Learn to Listen with your heart, 
soul and spirit…..
We hear all the time…
We read all the time….
“don’t air your drama”
“get the negative people
out of your life”
I am so glad that Jesus did not 
walk away from the negative 
people….or complain when 
someone needed a listening ear
because of life’s dramas!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love does not erase people from 
your life! 
Love reaches out and prays for them, 
encourages them and works with them…
even if it means that person is like a 
bottomless pit of despair!!!!!!!!!!
Love shares God’s Holy Anointed Word
with that hurting and lost soul. 
I pray that this message touches your heart 
May God bless each of you with a touch 
of healing from the Master’s loving and 
merciful Hands today. 
May God bless you with a special friend
that is willing to listen to your heart’s pain…
and not complain about your life’s dramas. 
Evg. Sherrill A. McDonald 